Friday, May 1, 2020

Caterpillar Snake-Mimic: A unique caterpillar with a snake head

 Caterpillar Snake-Mimic: A unique caterpillar with a snake head

Caterpillar Snake-Mimic: A unique caterpillar with a snake head

It's like a snake is trying to crawl out of a giant worm body!

Hawkmoth caterpillar (Sphingidae family) from the rainforest of Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia.

Even the most innocent animals and insects like this caterpillar have built-in camouflage and can change shape to deter predators.

Usually, the camouflage is used to blend in the environment but sometimes, it becomes much more deceptive!

This harmless caterpillar has evolved the amazing ability to inflate its head when disturbed and mimic a snake head with black eyes and even light reflections to keep safe from potential predators such as lizards or birds.


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