Monday, May 4, 2020

Brother and sister reunited after 24 years || Mom's brother surprised her after being apart for 24 years.


Brother and sister reunited after 24 years
 || Mom's brother surprised her after being apart for 24 years.

Seeing someone you love is truly the best kind of surprise.

Y’all NO he wasn’t in Jail stop saying that 😂 Life just gets in the way sometimes. We live in Oregon, he lives in Missouri, both my mom and uncle were busy raising their own families and sometimes people don't have the time or money to get up and leave their home / job / family for a week or two to visit someone across the states.

I get it if your family lives halfway across the country but you always find the time and money to go visit for the holidays. Proud of you! Everyone isn’t as fortunate as that. :)


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